Rich Roll has played a substantial role in my transformative journey over the last few years. I found Rich just as I decided to go switch to a plant-based diet and go further, running ultramarathons – his “Discovering Ultra” was a pivotal book for me.
Across hundreds of hours of the most intelligent podcast conversation I have learnt so much, from sports people, sage cultural and religious leaders, scientists and most importantly, Rich himself.
Rich has deep dived into several protocols that feature in my life bento (see my last post); connections in community with @johann.hari (Episode416), Breathwork with @iceman_hof (Episode 406), the science of thought with @hubermanlab (Episode 533) and running with purpose with the incredible @nickbutterrun (Episode 512). I get excited on a Monday when I can put on the headphones and head to the trails, sharing mile after mile with Rich and his exceptional guests. I’m going to start stockpiling the next 8 weeks so that I have some catching up to do when I take on the RTCU.
One theme that comes to the fore repeatedly is mental wellness, across the spectrum of life, not least the struggles elite sports people have experienced in the fragile pursuit of gold. Rich explored the causes, symptoms and recoveries with insight, care, and sensitivity, borne from personal experience and his battles with alcohol abuse. He has now curated some of the highlight from many hours and released the Mental Health Masterclass, Episode 613 (Available on Apple Podcast, Spotify and all good podcasting platforms).
We all have mental health and, frankly, having injuries along the way should be normalised. The more we talk about mental injury and recovery, the lower the stigmas that prevent people finding critical support. This podcast is a gateway into many great episodes; take a listen.
And @richroll , quite simply, your podcast contributes to my life in a very meaningful way. Peace. Plants. Thank you.
Photo credit @eatfortheplanetpod